Ubuntu 連接 UPS 實錄 (CyberPower CP1000PFCLCD)
- 額定容量 1000VA / 600Watt
- AVR穩壓、突波(1030焦耳)、PFC純正弦波、過載斷電、轉換時間 4ms
- 防斷電突波 5座、防突波 5座
- 全載可用時間:3min
- 計算可使用時間:600W*3min/耗電量W
- 12V/9AH 鉛酸蓄電池 *1
Ubuntu 安裝 PowerPanel
- -status Display current status of ups.
- -config Display all daemon configurations.
- -reset Reset all daemon configurations to default.
- -version Display the version of program.
- -alarm Setup alarm action of ups.
- -mute Setup temporally mute alarm when alarm is on enable state.
- -test To verify the UPS will work well in battery power.
- -hibernate Setup hibernate to instead of system shutdown when power event occurred.
- -pwrfail Setup the settings of command-execution for power failure. (This must be the first argument.)
- -lowbatt Setup the settings of command-execution for low battery. (This must be the first argument.)
- -delay* Setup delay seconds when event occurred.
- -runtime* Setup remaining runtime threshold to identify low battery event.
- -capacity* Setup low battery capacity threshold to identify low battery event.
- -active* Setup command-execution or not when event occurred.
- -cmd* Assign command file when event occurred.
- -duration* Setup duration seconds of command-execution when event occurred.
- -shutdown* Setup shutdown OS or not when event occurred.
- /etc/hibernate.sh 休眠
- /etc/pwrstatd-email.sh 發信樣板
- /etc/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh 當低電量時執行
- /etc/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh 當電源故障時執行
- /etc/shutdown.sh
- /etc/pwrstatd.conf
注意:修改完 config,須執行 restart
/etc/init.d/pwrstatd restart
Power Failure 停電事件
- powerfail-delay = 60
- 0~3600秒
- 延遲n秒後,執行 script、shutdown
- powerfail-active = yes
- yes | no
- 允許執行 script
- powerfail-cmd-path = /etc/pwrstatd-powerfail.sh
- pwrstatd-powerfail.sh 路徑
- powerfail-duration = 0
- 0~3600秒
- script 執行秒數
- powerfail-shutdown = yes
- yes | no
- 允許 deamon 執行關機動作
Battery Low 低電量事件
- lowbatt-threshold = 35
- 0~90
- 電池剩幾 % 就觸發事件
- runtime-threshold = 300
- 0~3600 秒
- Remaining Runtime(剩餘可執行的分鐘數),低於幾秒後,觸發事件
- 優先權高於 shutdown-sustain
- lowbatt-active = yes
- yes | no
- 允許執行 script
- lowbatt-cmd-path = /etc/pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh
- pwrstatd-lowbatt.sh 路徑
- lowbatt-duration = 0
- 0~60秒
- script 執行秒數
- lowbatt-shutdown = yes
- yes | no
- 允許 deamon 執行關機動作
- enable-alarm = yes
- yes | no
- 允許警報
- shutdown-sustain = 600
- 0~3600秒
- 系統關機所需時間
- 遇到低電量事件,若低於此「關機所需時間」,會直接關機
- turn-ups-off = yes
- yes | no
- 一旦由於電源事件而導致系統關機,Daemon將關閉UPS電源
- ups-polling-rate = 3
- 1~60秒
- 詢問 UPS 的頻率
- ups-retry-rate = 10
- 1~300秒
- 沒問到 UPS,則多久重試一次
- prohibit-client-access = no
- 禁止與 client 端通訊
- allowed-device-nodes =
- 支援四種節點裝置 ttyS, ttyUSB, hiddev, libusb
- 寫法
- /dev/ttyS1;/dev/ttyS2;/dev/hiddev1
- ttyS;ttyUSB #包含了 ttyS0~SN, ttyUSB0~N
- hibernate = yes | no
- 使用休眠,當事件發生,用休眠取代關機
- 預設斷電事件,不會執行 script,沒有時間發 email
- powerfail-duration = 60
- lowbatt-duration = 60
- 若短期斷電,當 UPS 復電,他仍然會繼續倒數,造成二次斷電
- turn-ups-off = no
- 停用斷電事件,只發訊息關機,除非低電量事件
- powerfail-shutdown = no
- 斷電時,希望維持一陣子,提高繼續運作的機會
- powerfail-delay = 600
- 復電後,自動重啟 server
- 待解
- 短時間斷電並復電,時間若低於詢問間隔,不會觸發 script
- ups-polling-rate = 3
- Email 帶 log
- /etc/pwrstatd-email.sh mail
- Email 發給多位 user
-A /var/log/pwrstatd.log
"$TO" xxx.gmail.com ooo.gmail.com
1)配置BIOS設置“交流斷電恢復”(或類似的),並將其設置為“最後狀態”。如果你沒有這個設置,那麼你可以在這裡停止 - 你將無法讓電腦自動啟動。
Ubuntu 連接 UPS 實錄 (CyberPower CP1000PFCLCD)
Reviewed by Wild
11/16/2017 04:46:00 下午